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Biochemiluminometer (chemiluminometer) BCL-1 and UniChrom

Two curves and their difference

Producer: Biophysics department of Belarus State University

The biochemiluminometer BCl-1 is the high sensitivity chemiluminometer for registration low level light emission from cells or other bio-objects invoked in chemiluminescent processes.

The BCL-1 was built by Biophysics department and was continuously exploited in biophysical experiments.

This instrument uses PMT counting measuring channel. So for data collection was used the Counter device instead of our traditional approach with ADC LabNET.

Various kinetic dependencies of horse-radish peroxidase in different conditionsThe UniChrom software itself is built for registration of signals depending on time, so it is suitable for light kinetics purpose. As the analytical signal both the intensity and integral of intensity can be used, and the UniChrom software allows building of the calibration curves as dependencies of the light output (or integral light output) from external parameter like reagent concentration, pH, temperature and many others.

The example of quantitative measurement is shown at calibration curve which displays dependence of peak intensity (H - means height of the peak) from the concentration of horseradish peroxidase.

To get the detailed information on biochemiluminometer BCL-1, please contact Anton Kavalenka


National Academy of Science corresponding member,
Prof., PhD, S.M. Charankevich,
Head of biophysics department, Physical Faculty, Belarus State University.