PortSwitch - The Software Port Server.
modern instrumental data processing systems like wellknown LabView have
the capability of remote data collection.
Instruments are working through hardware ports, applications
works nicely with TCP and hardware ports both.
The UniChrom drivers
are built using hardware abstraction which makes driver
do not care about underlying communication resources. It
does not matter if the driver works with serial port COM1
or TCP port 9100.
The program PortSwitch was developed for transparent switching
data streams coming from/to communication port (usually serial, but
not limited to) directing data streams to / from opened TCP sockets.
The idea is very similar to wellknown Unix network utility
"Net Cat - nc".
Portswitch comm mappings
The mapping consists of two communication port names in
UniChrom style:
- COM1:115200,dsr,cts
where COM1 - name of serial communication port, 115200 - port data rate - dsr,cts - handshaking mode.
Also acceptable specifying data rate with parity, number of bits and stop bits count - 9600,E,8,2 - tcp:hostname.domainname:portnumber
Where hostname - is the name or (dotted decimal IP address) of host (interface) to connect or listen
portnumber - decimal TCP port number
- hpib7,15 (gpib0,15) HPIOLIBS notation
First word with number - is the GPIB host controller name as defined in HPIOLIBS configuration.
The second number - instrument GPIB ID, defined in hardware (by switches or instrument keyboard commands) - http://....
Very special and not widespread method of interconnecting Analyst host and Analytical Instrument both being behind each own firewall. The web server with additional PERL CGI software should be visible to both.
Please have a look at bigger picture.
Mappings shown at the picture state that the PortSwitch
listening at tcp port 9200 at localhost and maps incoming
connections to tcp port 9200 at host named eco. Initially
opened COM2 with bitrate 115200 is mapped to tcp port 9100
at host eco. Crazy configuration but it will work!
How to Make the Chemstation look at Agilent /
HP-6890 like the Agilent
6890N using RS-232 mapping
- Connect the HP-6890(A) to serial port at old Win9x pc.
- Configure 6890 to serial bit rate 19200.
- Configure the PortSwitch like tcp:localhost:9100
<-> COM1:19200
- Install ChemStation or UniChrom and make them look at
your win9x host like 6890N.
How to Make the Chemstation look at Agilent / HP-6890 like the Agilent 6890N using GPIB mapping
- Connect the HP-6890(A) to GPIB bus
- Install Agilent/HP HPIOLIBS (If you have old 82335 GPIB card - install it on Win9x)
- Configure HPIOLIBS and remember host controller name (i.e. gpib0)
- Configure 6890 GPIB ID according to instrument manual (e.g. set bus ID to 15).
- Configure the PortSwitch like tcp:localhost:9100 <->gpib0,15
- Install ChemStation or UniChrom and make them look at your portswitch host like 6890N.
Download the PortSwitch in ENG language |