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UniChrom Solutions

The solutions itself mostly consists of three files - the chromatographic method file of UniChrom system (*.$$$), data processing template for Microsoft Excel (*.xlt) and Microsoft Word document (*.doc) as solution description. Archives may also contain other files, which purpose is described by (*.doc).

For testing use the following sequence:

  1. Extract all files in some folder (e.g. C:\UniChrom\Some Solution)
  2. Read the description file (e.g. Some Solution.doc)
  3. Load method file (e.g. Some Solution.$$$)
  4. Execute on current layer corresponding report. To do so please use the following sequence-
    Tools / Processing / Report (use external report) / select template (e.g. Some Solution.xlt) and press [Apply] button.
  5. Look in Excel for results.
    * Please use Microsoft Excel 97 SR1 or higher.

Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis

UniChrom-DHA solutions

Diesel fuel analysis UniChrom-DF

Simulated Distaillation (SimDIS)

Simulated distillation system components:

UniChrom GC x GC service (beta)

Unichrom GC x GC service extension provides convertion capabilities 2D chromatogram into matrix of chromatograms. Module allows specification of different modulation parameters and starting conditions to achieve desired result.

Light hydrocarbons (C1-C6) according GOST 13379 and mercaptanes in oil according GOST 50802

Solution description
Hydrocarbons C1-C6 in oil after GOST 13379 and mercaptanes in oil after GOST 50802 - Manual.pdf

Solution chromatogram examples and files
Hydrocarbons C1-C6 in oil after GOST 13379 and mercaptanes in oil after GOST 50802 - Template.zip

Chromatograph Validation Package

This solution gives uniform approach for chromatographic system validation. The metrological characteristics such as detection limit, repeatability and reproducibility are determined using this package.

Detailed System Validation procedure description with samples for different chromatographic systems and detectors.

Impurities in vodka. Use of Main Component as Internal Standard.

Generally the approach of use MC as IS is described in dedicated article. Traditional but some kind inverted method gives outstanding results. This approach can also be used even with significantly non-linear detectors. The solutions gives simple and comprehensive method for determination of impurities without building of absolute calibration.

Nicotine in smoke condensates on ISO 10362

Water in smoke condensates on ISO 10362

Classic Internal Standard Method with some statistics

* For viewing PDF files please use Adobe Acrobat Reader or GhostView.